So my buddy is running a cycle of:
Test400 -800mg every week
Deca400 - 400mg every week
Dbol25 - 50mg every day
Prolactrone - 3 tabs everyday (for the DECA)

He is in week 6. Last week he started getting sore nips and a lump behind them and is just now telling me

I have Anastrozole, Torem, Nolvadex and Clomid, I personally have never had Gyno so never had to deal with it, but now he has it. Everything I am reading about is on Letro but don't have Letro.

So I told him to stop the Dbol and take .5mg everyday of the Adex, will this remove the lump and sore nips or is it imperative that I get him some Letro?