Is it just me or is anyone else wondering why so many users GUESS at what the cause of their Gyno is stemmed from when either running a 19nor cycle or coming off a 19nor cycle. Seriously?
Why? When I see these posts often they have already answered their own questions within the post they just made.
Then here's the kicker, they want to run another 19nor cycle again in their next cycle coming up. To be completely honest that's not even my issue here. It's that they aren't thinking things through to find their answers.

Well based off of just what they said. Word for word. I think it's a mistake to run the tren right now. They just stated two things.
1) It's possible they have elevated E2 which could have caused ur Gyno symptoms.
2) it's possible they have elevated prolactin which could have caused their Gyno symptoms.
Either way you look at it they shouldn't play with fire.
For instance if they have elevated E2 then they obviously were aromatizing at a level their AI couldn't keep up with. Which makes the addition of a compound known for spiking prolactin a dangerous move. Prolactin and high Estrogen are a troublesome pair. The high e2 makes the likelihood for lactating much higher.
If they look at things from an elevated prolactin issue that's causing their Gyno symptoms it would force me to reconsider subjecting my body through that a second time and a consecutive cycle at that. I would give my body a break.
Here's where some guys differ from each other. Some guys are prepared and use the proper ancillaries for 19nors
For the guys who don't mention ancillary use this is a typical response of mine:

"Now look at this from an outsiders point of view here brother. Nowhere did u mention Caber nor did u mention your AI. Which makes us assume you possibly weren't running them. Alternatively one could also assume you were running these compounds as the info is everywhere to lead a novice user to use these ancillaries. Say you were running these ancillaries and you still have these Gyno symptoms. As an outsider I see you mentioning a consecutive 19nor cycle and I cringe.
Honestly based on what u wrote and even what you still have yet to mention like ancillary use and dosage I would strongly urge you to give you body a rest and immediately get some bloods done so YOU the most important person in this conversation aren't forced to guess. I also suggest you order some Aromasin and Caber/Prami/Bromo so that when u get your lab results you can immediately treat these Gyno symptoms in an educated fashion. Guessing at what the cause is isn't good enough for your body. You only have one."

Really this stuff can be hard to find the answers to. Do lots n lots of reading. Log your experiences into a journal. Listen to your experiences and trust your instincts. As time goes on the answers to these issues begin to jump out at you. Having run lots of 19nor cycles has helped me figure things out and no one here expects novices to know all the answers. But truth be told all of the answers to your questions are right in Front of you. From the obvious like "Get labs done and don't guess" to the comprehensive answers regarding timing and symptoms and compounds. Certain keywords trigger certain actions or pathways to processes of elimination.
But do all of yourselves a favor and be prepared. Be informed. Be engaged in your own therapies and protocols. Don't just let some guy tell u it's this way or that way. Obviously listen to the more informed members but bring ur mind to the conversation. Don't be the dumb muscle head. Most successful Bodybuilders and AAS users are mostly Intelligent articulate informed people. We are all here to learn, to help each other, to share, to grow safely and live lengthy healthy lives.
When dealing with 19nors you can't afford to act like a knucklehead. Do your homework and read. Study like your life depends on it and hopefully the quality of your life will never diminish.