There is more to this than the basic half life of the ester release. Different oils and injection compounds release at different rates. Takes time before the half life begins. Note the above mentioned study on test no ester. It peaked days later but the known half life is supposed to be very quick.

Test undeconate is now being used for TRT. The pharm research is one 750mgs injection followed by a 4 week 750mgs injection. Half life is listed as 14-17 days. Yet they suggest 4 weeks between shot number one and shot number 2. For the rest of the year, 750mgs injections is every 10 weeks. 10 weeks!. Try and explain that for a drug with a 16 day half life.

My theory is the injection site holds some of the compound and the blood stream doesn't pick it up as quick. Might take several days or weeks for every milligram of compound to be released from the oil. Only then does it start its half life math spiral.