I have been taking Dostinex and wanted some feedback from the knowledgeable veterans and juicers here. I know the Dostinex is good it came right from a pharmacy. I took Dostinex the dosage was 0.5 milligrams. I took it on an empty stomach. I got terrible indigestion and laid in my bed teary eyed as my stomach felt like I was going to have a small animal pop out of it! I searched and these are common side effects. This stuff came right from the pharmacy too. The next time I took it I had a full stomach and I ate with it too. I did not get as bad indigestion but I was still bothered. I am taking 0.5 milligrams every 4-6 days. I have read of Prami. I can find that on research company websites. Its cheaper too. Is this better? I like Dostinex because it came from the pharmacy. My body reacts to it badly. How about you all?