I'm on my first cycle and I'm starting to have concerns that my estrogen might be a little high, but I'm not 100% sure what to look for. I'm 40, and just finished a 4 week T-bol kickstart and I'm running 500mg of test e per week, with 8 weeks left. Hoping you guys can help.

1. I've heard guys talk about the first signs of gyno being puffy, itchy nipples, and I've seen the pics of guys with gyno and their little, pointy, mini-boobs. So...I wouldn't say mine are "puffy" or "itchy." But, they are definitely sensitive enough to notice a shirt or a towel rubbing them and kinda erect (visible through a shirt, like when it's cold outside). Is that what people call itchy and puffy? Not sure what the feeling I'm supposed to be watching for actually feels like, but I'm thinking this might be it?

2. My libido is lower than it was before I started my cycle. It crashed a couple of days after I started my cycle, and it never rebounded fully. And I'm definitely not having those spontaneous erections that guys talk about having several times a day. I mean, I can get it up and perform when I need to, but I definitely don't have those teenager erections that everybody talks about. I'd say the libido is lower than it was before I started, which doesn't seem right.

Do those two things (especially looked at together) sound like my estrogen is low? This is my first rodeo, so I'm still learning what all these different things feel like.

I started my cycle with .25 adex eod, and I upped it to .5 e3d about 10 days ago when I first noticed the nip sensitivity. I wouldn't say that I've noticed any difference (no improvement, and maybe just maybe a little worse on the nips).

Hoping you guys can share a little insight into whether this sounds like an estrogen issue.

Thanks brothers.