The human body heals itself by blood flow, nutrition, and circulation. Ligaments, tendons and joints have less efficient and abundant blood flow as compared to muscles. The human body being more than 70% water, operates in a fluid medium. That fluid is blood. Anabolic steroids affect your blood, they affect your healing, not just your muscles. Some anabolics have anti- inflammatory properties. The nandrolones (deca durabolin is a family member) and boldenone (equipoise) are the two favorites with regard to healing soft tissue. Nandrolone has an excellent ability to decrease inflammation of ligaments, tendons and joint capsule structures. It is like being on a medium dose of naproxen sodium (Aleve) all day. The plus is that with nandrolone you get nitrogen retention which means accelerated healing of all tissue involving nitrogen, which means protein type tissues. Guess what ligaments and tendons are made out of protein, although specific forms of protein called proteoglycans and aminoglycans, and collagen of various types. Not quite as easily accessible as muscle tissue, but the nandrolone still helps. At the least much pain is caused by inflammation and ligaments/tendons being irritated by shear friction against another anatomical structure. Decreasing the inflammation is often a factor which decreases the friction between the inflamed tissue and whatever it is rubbing against, thereby decreasing pain. This is why you read so often that “deca decreases joint pain”. This is actually true in many cases and now you know the mechanism. Equipoise is also an excellent rehabilitative drug for soft tissue. Equipose is also one of the best anabolics for increasing blood volume and red blood cell production. Red blood cells carry oxygen and more blood volume means more blood flow to areas that don’t normally get much. Equipoise increased blood volume and oxygen in the blood thereby allowing an increased healing process to occur in the tissues. As with nandrolone you will also get a nice increase in nitrogen retention from the equipoise. This will speed total recovery. Anabolic steroids accelerate body healing all over. Ligaments and tendons will still heal very slowly for the most part, they will only have a small increase in healing rate compared to muscle/bone, but they will still heal faster. The dosages needed for this purpose are lower than for sheer muscle building. Four hundred milligrams a week of either drug (deca or eq) should do the trick. It wouldn’t hurt to use some glucosamine and chondroiten during this time period as well. Ligaments and tendons do not heal without adequate vitamin C either. Make sure you take a supplemental form-around a gram per day with lots of water.