i think if u have scar tissue by my expierience use a 21g x 1.5 inch nail to slam the bitch home. if u use a 25 g on scar tissue in your ass cheeks and u throw that dart and she bends in mid flight uh oooo. she breaks off in your already scarred ass cheeks and u have to have someone with no how to dig it out. my wife got mine out with no further damage. but shes a nurse practioner and got all the equipment i needed but i had to wait for 2 hrs for her to go to hospital and get it. it was bleeding with ozzing because the needle broke and it left a open end for leakage. nothing serious but it was a pain in the ass no pun intented. if it goes to far go to the hospital and be straight with them as it can give tremendous more scaring. and they cut it out if its uncrabable by locking scissors or the big, no u get the picture. grabbing scissors with teeth on them. but i think, as i never seen it my wife has in school but they cut a cicle around the needle punture and they remove as much dermis now not epidermis, as needed to get the grasp on the needle and pull it out and they soo u up, and it leaves a lump or nodule under the skin for good. and when it heals it really scars bad so no more injecting there unless u go in the middle i would think. but who can throw a dart looking in a mirrior and hit the middle of a chunck of ass to pin point accuracy lol. lmfao lol. and i wear glasses and its getting harder not to hit the bone at the hip as i throw that bitch. 21 yrs practice makes perfect, iam a great dart thrower.

ps: sorry guys i got carried away lol.