oh BOP. here it is. I was 5 weeks into deca/cyp cycle when I tore my Achilles Tendon Nov.26th. since then, I have been off everything COLD TURKEY like an asshole. you know? like you're NOT SUPPOSED to do. here's a long story short.

I am a union laborer. without work, I don't get paid. funds extremely low. out of work til at least may-june. I am in hard cast til Wednesday. Wednesday, I get a "weight bearing" cast for 5 weeks. after those 5 weeks I am in a walking boot. then PT for 2 mths. SUCKS!

my left leg and calf has shrunk to the point of horrible. it makes me sad. very sad. my right leg has shrunk too much, since I have been using it for balance and since I am on crutches and stuff. I guess I am afraid to go workout right now. I don't want my upper body to vastly outgrow my lower body. I do workout legs, so I don't look like spongebob. Idk what to do.

workout and say fuck the legs?

don't workout and shrink even more?

start up cycle again and workout like an animal upper body?

any response would be helpful!
