First off I want to start by saying how trilled I am to be a part of this community. Everyone is so helpful and I have been able to find a lot of valuable info on here. After all the research I have done I would like to hear some opinions on how I plan my first cycle. I am 30+, 185 lbs, 15% BF, 5'10". Very healthy. I just want to reach that next level. I am posting my cycle below which includes my PCT. I would like to hear your opinions. Thank you BoP.

Weeks 1-4 Methan10 40 mg per day
Weeks 1-10 500mg Test Cyp per week
Weeks 1-12 Anastrozole 25 mg per day
Weeks 12&13 HCG, 500iu MWF
Weeks 12-13 Anastrozole 25 mg per day
Weeks 12-14 Nolvadex 40mg per day
Weeks 14-16 Anastrozole 12.5 mg per day
Weeks 14-18 Nolvadex 20mg per day