Hey guys.

I'm about 8 weeks into a 16 week cycle of Sustanon and NPP, and I've put on about 13 lbs so far. Feeling great. Starting to plateau a little bit, so I was planning on increasing some calories to see if I can get the scale moving up again. I'm still a couple of cycles away from my longterm goal of 200 lbs at 10% bf. (Right now I'm 183 at about 13.5%)

So here's my question...

I had originally planned to drop calories back for the last 4-6 weeks of this cycle and add in anavar to try and tighten up. But now I'm thinking maybe I want to keep trying to bulk. If I decide to keep bulking and keep my calories in a surplus, should I save the Var for another cycle down the road? Add in something else instead?

Or would I be better off, from a longterm perspective, going ahead by finishing this cycle off with the Var and a calorie deficit to tighten up, then start another bulking round in a few months?

Since my goal is both size and leanness, I never know when to go for which one!!

Thanks brothers (and sisters).