Just wanted to throw this out there this is how guys in the middle east run there gear, coming from a friend of mine who lives there currently:

they do almost everything differently...

i'm probably the only guy in my country that went through this bodybuilding crap the "american" way... and that's why i looked different... not in a good way.

tell a european or middle eastern guy you're on 1500 mg of enanthate 12 weeks out of contest and the only thing you'll hear is "LOL!"

offseason: a little bit of cypionate, lots of deca, dbol, anadrol, EQ, insulin, GH
contest prep: no test... maybe a little prop here and there, about 300 mg... lots of tren hex, eq, primo, winny, masteron, gh, slin, clen, T3, T4, and ephedrine... they never heard of DNP.

very high volume... hours on end of training. not many people do cardio because of the high volume. light/moderate weights. someone who can bench 315 lbs (that's a lot when you ask ME guys) would go for 225 lbs max when prepping for a contest. 20-30 sets per muscle group 2-3 times per week. focusing mostly on isolation movements. a common practice is to go around all the machines in the gym for a bodypart. mind muscle connection is the most important thing to them. if you have a max barbell curl of 135 lbs, you'd do your sets for that exercise like this
30 lbs x 20
40 lbs x 15
50 lbs x 15
60 lbs x 12
70 lbs x 10
80 lbs x 10
90 lbs x 8
100 lbs x 6
110 lbs x 6
120 lbs x 6
135 lbs x 4

the light sets are really slow, heavy are faster. then you move on to your second exercise

I remember i never seeked help from anyone in the gym cuz i was shy. i used to read read read on the net and forums and shit and got my knowledge from there. when i talked to people i used to think to myself "man, these dudes are stupid... heheh..." now i believe i'm the retard ... all this overtraining crap... i've never seen it here... i've only seen it with naturals, people who use fake gear, and people who have REALLY bad genetics for building muscle.

wow... world of difference between here and there... offseason, eat whatever the fuck you want and whenever you're hungry. people really don't care about getting bigger in the offseason, but they just get fat and want to relax. because contest prep is usually 20+ weeks with the first half being "grow as much as lean mass as you can", then the second part is "get shredded as quickly as possible."
protein is around 1 gram per lb of bodyweight (they don't measure it, but they just know that they have to eat chicken, beef, tuna, whey, aminos... etc)... carbs are mostly potatoes and rice. they never eat whole eggs. VERY LOW FAT!!! i'm talking zero here (or as close as they can)... no one ever eats fat when they prepare for a contest.

Big A was right when he said that if you need more than 9 weeks to prep for a contest, you're probably above 20% fat. people here get from fat, out of shape, to shredded in 8 weeks.
americans really try hard to be above 220 lbs... we are the exact opposite... we try to lose 3-5 lbs per week and really don't give a shit if it's muscle or fat, because in 8 weeks you'd be shredded regardless.
the lighter the weight class, the more chances you have to win. and since international contests actually have weight classes (unlike Mr.olympia), you can actually choose your battles. like shahat mabrouk, one day he's 80 kg, then next he's 100+

as for HGH... i've never seen that 'blue top' crap in my country. i was the first guy to ever import it and people would "fuck, that looks as fake as shit"... norditropin, Saizen, genotropin, glotropin (global) and Dong-A are the only brands sold here (Dong-A is actually HG and approved by the ministry of health)

The eq is vet grade (ganabol... the 50 mg/ml stuff)... i knew a guy who would put 10 ml in each trap every week.
Stanazol we get zambons (lots of fakes though) and the best is RWR.

again... bodybuilding isn't rocket science... that's why a lot of the top competitors have the mentality of a two year old (sorry, i didn't mean to hurt anyone, but you gotta give me a break. they aren't the smartest people around)... and people here try to bring things down to an exact science! LOL! i know a guy (huge and shredded) that actually thinks he's eating 500 grams of protein... and tells everyone he eats 500 grams of protein... LOOOOL! turns out he eats 500 grams of chicken.
even if you know what these people eat, most guys on here are gonna over analyze and start to try and tailor it to their weight and what not... well, it won't work that way.