How many here use Masteron (Drostanolone)? How much do you use and why? Also, do you use Prop or Enth as the ester?

Chemical Name: Drostanolone Propionate
Comes In: 10ml vial - 100mg/ml
Dosage: 100-400mg/EOD
Active time: 5 days
Class:Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid

Chemical Name: Drostanolone Enanthate
Comes In: 10ml vial - 200 mg/ml
Dosage: 300-800mg/week
Active time: 10-14 days
Class:Anabolic/Androgenic Steroid

From what I gather, it is not very powerful and is most often used during a cut. I also have read that it is only really effective if you are already at a low body fat percentage.

What do you all think about Masteron?