Needles and Syringes are Legal in my state and at one time very Easily purhased at any pharmacy.. But now "STORE POLICY" Suggests that you must either have a prescription for the needs and syringes or have gotten the medication to be used with it there... They all for the most part have the same policy now... Basically to keep ALL the "junkies" out of 1-2 of the pharmacies.. So all just adopted the no sale with Rx in our area...
So I think this is Ok with the rules since it is 100%legal in my state to buy or sell them.. But
Iam wondering where i Can purchase them with Ease Online? I did it once on ebay and it took forever 50days to come. PURCHASE them at Store prices, store quality.. I think i checked Cvs. Com and its an i store product only..
A local friend ofmine Actually goes to the Seed & Feed Store.. Tractor Supply Co. And buys e ones for Farms.. But the smallest guage they come in is 22g and the lobgedt being 1 inch...
22guage is alittle rough... I like to run 23-25g pins..
Can anyone tell me where to pick em up order them fairly cheap quality and get them Pretty fast US DOMESTIC?

gettin tired of pinning on top of the hassle of getting them.. And it would be really dumb to be in a position of not having any left..

Anyone can help thanks. Or suggestions