Well I did a search, and read a few sticky articles regarding bloodwork, but I couldn't find suggestions to when to actually have blood tests done before/during/after a cycle. I think it would be interesting to know my actual testosterone levels pre-cycle so I will probably try and get some bloods pre-cycle, however would it only really be needed maybe twice during the cycle? (I mean obviously more is better, but the tests cost money through private labs!)

So for my cycle which I will begin today of Test E 583mg/Deca 233mg week - would I have bloods after 5 weeks at the beginning of week 6 to make sure the compounds are working and are at a suitable level, and that my estrogen control plan is working? Until then I'd obviously be using nipple detection which isn't a good method. Then perhaps a month later at the beginning of week 10 test again to make sure everything is still on track?

Then say I run this cycle for 12 weeks, would I test 4 weeks after cycle, or after my two weeks PCT?

I am interested in running 875mg then 729mg a week of test for the first two weeks for a bit of frontload, but I don't want boobs so the estrogen control has to be on point and monitored properly. The Deca is only being used because I've had two knee operations last year and have some niggling problems with my shoulder rotator cuffs which affect me on the bench (I don't bench much anymore because of this).