ok guys i have a few questions. i have keto dieted before and love how well it works for cutting. my question really goes towards combining the two, AAS+KETO. now i followed ZYZZ for a bit and i know he was a keto cutter. (hah "keto Cutter"). anyways, seeing that your hdl and ldl levels get thrown outta wack while on cycle, would that have a negative impact on all the fats you take in during ketosis? (keep in mind i don't fully know what all truly went on with ZyZZ complications, if any of you knew him, im not trying to be negative) im wondering if maybe ZyZZ had that heart issue from running tren and doing keto?

just a thought really. do any of you guys have experience with keto and aas? let me know how you enjoyed it and some of the pro's and con's.
