Quote Originally Posted by Clutch7 View Post
Beginner Cycle: 12 weeks of Test E

Gear to buy:
Test E 250 (3 vials) Buy an extra incase you drop one
Arimidex or Aromasin pills at least (40)
Nolvadex pills at least (40)
Clomid pills (at least 30)

Pre, During, and Post cycle bloodworm is highly recommended.
Which test to choose>> The uncapped women's hormone panel from quest or lab pro

Weeks 1-12:
Test E @ 500mg/week (250mg twice per week)

Pinning schedule: Monday&Thursday
or Tuesday&Friday or Wednesday&Saturday or Thursday&Sunday

OPTION 1: Arimidex- 0.5mg every other day or every 3 days- easily judge this by your libido. If you have barely any sex drive, your estrogen is too low so take Arimidex E3D. If your sex drive is ok or very high (this is normal) take Arimidex EOD.
OPTION 2: Aromasin- 12.5mg every day

PCT: Nolvadex and clomid 4 weeks
Week 1: clomid 75mg & nolva 40mg every day
Week 2: clomid 50mg & nolva 20mg every day
Week 3: clomid 50mg & nolva 20mg every day
Week 4: clomid 50mg & nolva 20mg every day

Click>> log on diet & training. This is an excellent recomp diet
After researching and asking fellow bros what would be the best things to take first cycle I had almost built this exact same stack! So after all the wondering and second guessing I'm really glad to find this thread, because I was missing a couple things. I only have one question, when is the proper time to start the PCT after the last administration of test and the AI? And also is there any best time to pin? i.e. with food, first thing in the morning, etc.? So really two questions haha