Ok so my father is in his mid 50's. 5'11'' and fluctuates between 240-280lbs depending on if he's dieting and working out. Best I've seen him in the last 10 years is about 240lbs 20ish % bf. Used to be a pretty jacked up dude when he was young. Star athlete, strong as an ox etc....

So last summer I got him on some gray top hgh which is what I was also running at the time. We were both running 5iu per day split morning/afternoon. We both loved it. Only variable was that my dad was not on any form of AAS. The MF-er dropped 25lbs in 8 weeks side effect free, without even trying outside of his normal lifting and mediocre diet....

So fast forward to now.....he stopped the grays due to ex-wife draining his bank account.....finally saves up a few bucks and tries out the Eurotropins. Same dose, 5iu only this time he decides to pin it all at once in the AM. Within weeks he is texting me saying his hands and feet are tingling. I tell him it's normal and as long as it's not hindering mobility or ability to function then it's fine. He starts telling me he thinks this stuff is either wayy stronger or he is reacting weird from it. Another few weeks goes by and his ankles are swollen (edema) and his feet go numb constantly. I tell him to back off the dose and try 2.5iu.

So he does and another couple weeks he's telling me he barely sleeps because his entire body itches to the point where he's drawing blood from itching head to toe. I strongly recommended he stop altogether for the time being. He has, and side effects subsided within days.

Anyone know what this could be? Can't find a thing about it on the internet....

Blood sugar? Nerves? Water related? Any idea would be helpful.