Drol is active for only 16 hours in your system which is about an 8 hour half life hence having to dose daily. The only benefit I would see not taking it for two days would be for toxicity which I doubt would be much benefit at all. Not sure how much or how long the strength would carry over stopping for two days. Wouldn't think tho that it would make for good stable levels in your blood. IMO, 25mg is kinda a low dose anyhow as some run it upwards of 100mg ed. I used to run it at 75. 50 ed I think is about the norm. Personally I don't see the benefits outweighing keeping your levels continual and stable for the duration of the oral cycle. Run good liver support and you won't have to worry much about toxicity and with drol I'd definitely be running some good liver support as it can be pretty liver toxic. Really just about any oral I'd run protection.

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