What are some side effects of steroids?

This is the first thing that should be looked at when thinking of starting a cycle of steroids. First off ALL drugs have side affects... Even the multi-vitamins that you subconsciously take every morning have side effects. First thing I would like to clear up is that steroids DO NOT make your penis smaller. This is a ridiculous myth that was started by uneducated people and this is the first thing you will usually hear people say when you mention steroids. Steroids however do cause your testicles to atrophy while on cycle. HCG can be taken to prevent this, and If you take proper precautions after your cycle(s) your testicles should return to their normal size assuming you didn’t abuse steroids during this cycle. Another myth that is very common is “roid rage”. Roid rage is a myth created by the media to scare people away from using steroids and to give steroids a bad name. Steroids can cause you to be more aggressive than normal and/or have a shorter fuse. Steroids do not cause people to go on mass killing spree’s or killing your family (I.e. Chris Beniot). Put it this way if you were an ass hole before you were on cycle then you will be a bigger ass hole while on cycle. If you do feel more aggressive or feel like you have a short fuse then use this energy during your training sessions. If you feel like you’re going to blow up on someone then just disengage from the situation and take a step back and realize that you’re probably blowing it out of proportion. Now other side effects include…. Acne, Hypertension, loss of hair, aggressiveness, kidney problems, liver problems, cholesterol problems, gynocomastia, cardiovascular issues, stunting growth, sterility. Different steroids have different side effects; just make sure to really research your hormone to the fullest before starting. Most of the side effects from steroids come later on in life, so just keep that in mind when your thinking of using crazy amounts of steroids.

What gains should I expect?

Obviously the reason you have chosen to do steroids is because you want huge gains. This depends on many factors….. Genetics, diet, training, recovery. Genetics are the most important thing about your gains. You can not control this obviously and some people are just blessed with better genetics. Everyone responds differently to steroids. Diet is the second most important thing to think about when on or off cycle. This is something that you can control and is the most important thing to have in check at all times to get the best results. My advice would be to hire a nutrionist or at least make sure that the diet advice you are getting is correct. Training is obviously important, but the biggest mistake that people make while on cycle is you can train a lot more and get better gains. True that your body recovery’s faster while on cycle, but If you’re lifting 2 hours a day 6-7 days a week then your body is not getting a lot of time to recover. I train the same when I’m on as I do when I’m off. Recovery goes hand in hand with over training. Just make sure your getting enough sleep every night and taking your rest days when you need them. Listen to your body!

Only use people you trust!

When purchasing steroids always buy from a trusted source. If you plan on buying steroids then best case scenario is to buy from someone you have known for a long time that you trust because this way you have piece of mind that what your getting is real and hopefully sterile. Don’t buy from a stranger just because he is the biggest guy in the gym because you never know what you’re getting. Online sources….. All I can say about online sources is be very careful and do your research before buying online because they’re plenty of fake sites out there.

There is a difference between use and abuse

Bottom line steroids aren’t magic. The people you see in body building magazines didn’t just get that way over night. They spent hard years of diet and training to look the way they do. Do not ever think more is better, slow and steady wins the race. Yes you can hit plateaus while on cycles, but don’t start throwing everything and the kitchen sink into a cycle thinking your going be the incredible hulk when you wake up the next morning. If you do plateau then increase your dose gradually and/or you can add one compound at a time to see how your body reacts.

You only get one chance in a life time so take care of your body. Hopefully you get the chance to grow old one day, and you don’t want to cause harm to your self for something you did 40 years prior. Be smart and stay safe.

What are steroids & what is the difference between Orals & Injectables?

Testosterone is the main male sex hormone which is naturally produced by the human body. Steroids are a synthetic form of testosterone or its derivatives. Bodybuilders mainly use testosterone. Testosterone is what you can thank for Strength and Size. Testosterone can also assist with fat loss according to ones diet. So get out them ideas of 'NOT BEING ABLE TO CUT' on Test. Another thing to add is...Test IS AND SHOULD BE THE BASE ON ALL STEROID CYCLES. Simply put; Don't cycle without it, you'll be shooting yourself in the foot

You've decided to take steroids, now the next thing to decide is whether you should take tablets or inject? What's the difference? Let's look at each in turn: Well the obvious difference is that one is swallowed, the other is injected. But let's be more specific; most oral steroids are hepatotoxic (i.e. toxic to the liver). As the tablet/pill travels through the body it passes through the gastrointestinal tract, then to the liver which has a mission to destroy it, thus preventing the steroid from entering the bloodstream. As a result, scientific boffins replaced the hydrogen atom with a carbon atom to the 17th position of the steroid molecule, which for the most part, will enable the steroid to survive the first pass hepatic metabolism. This process is commonly referred to as 17-alpha alkylation (17-AA or C-17).

Whilst this alkylation is desirable for the athlete in terms of improving the bio-availability of the oral steroid, it does however, place undue stress on the liver. Liver values (a set of markers which are used to assess liver function) may be elevated whilst using 17-aa steroids and as such, they are generally used sparingly to compliment an injectable cycle. Certain nutritional supplement products are often used for liver protection:

* Milk Thistle
* ALA (Alpha Lipoic Acid)
* Liv-52

Injectable Steroids are not for intravenous use (into the vein). Doing this could result in serious injury or even death. They must be injected intra-muscularly (into the muscle) and therefore avoid the 'first pass' through the liver; though some the harsher steroids will place a strain on the kidneys in large doses.

There are two main different types of injectable steroids: Water or oil based. Water based steroids are metabolised quickly, requiring frequent (often daily) injections. Oil based ones are released more slowly into the bloodstream and are generally injected once or twice weekly.

Oral only cycles are a complete waste of time. Gain will simply not be worth the sides you'll be going through. Let alone that you're gains on oral only cycles will NOT stick as well as they should.