Any stack can work as both a bulker or cutter as diet plays the most important part in deciding this, some compounds are simply prefered for one or the other for certain properties. Ex. D-bol=massive water retention, Winny=dry, lean gains

First cutting cycle...Test only
Week 1-8 50-75mg Test Prop ED or 100-150mg EOD (ideally ED not EOD)
PCT (2 Days after last shot)
Same PCT as above. Clomid and Nolva

Possible additions...
Week 1-8 Nolva 10mg ED (if you are prone to gyno)

For cutting, less bloat is desirable, as such Test Prop is the choice to go with. Idealy, it should be shot ED though results can still be seen with EOD jabs.

Second cutting stack...add 1 new item
Week 1-8 75mg Test Prop ED or 150mg EOD (ideally ED not EOD)
Week 3-8 50mg Winny ED
PCT (2 Days after last shot/tab)
Same PCT as above. Clomid and Nolva

Possible additions...
Week 1-8 Nolva 10mg ED (if you are prone to gyno)

Again, Test Prop with the addition of some Winny for its "hardening" effect. For Winny, the route of its administration is entriely up to you. Many users report Winny to be a very annoying/burning compound to pin. As such, though the bioavailability will decrease slightly, oral administration is better unless you have something to dilute the Winny with such as your daily Test Prop injection.

Third cutting stack...add 1 new item
Week 1-8 50-75mg Test Prop ED or 150mg EOD (ideally ED not EOD)
Week 1-8 50mg Tren Acetate ED or 100mg EOD
PCT (2 Days after last shot of Prop, 3 days after last shot of Tren)
Same PCT as above. Clomid and Nolva

Test Prop and Tren Ace can be used as a cutter, but the Test/Tren combo is so strong that you can bulk like crazy while droping some bf% as Tren seems to have some properties that help with VAT fat burning (as does Anavar).


With that you can tell most of the cycles utilize many of the same compounds. Other compounds can be used to replace some such as...Anadrol in place of D-bol for more experienced users. More exotic/expensive compounds such as Anavar would be a great addition to just about any cycle. Also there are many different esters of almost all of the injectable steroids...they can be substituted in the place of their cousins already listed with the appropriate pinning schedule revisions. (Ex. Tren Enth in place of Tren Acetate or Nandrolone Phenylprop in place of Deca).