Now all of these cycles are just guidelines and are not set in stone.EVERYONE will react differently to different compounds and dosages so you will only know what works right for "YOU" by trial and error.There is NO MAGIC CYCLE for everyone.Whats works great for me may not for another or what gives me no negative sides may give unbearable sides to someone else so you will always have to learn to read your body and know when to change things up.

Another note is to ALWAYS have blood work done.I always have blood work done before,DURING and after my cycles.This is the only way to know whats going on with your body while cycling and let you make changes before any serious health issues can arise.I keep records of my blood tests from the past and can compare the results as I age to determine the status of my health compared to when I was younger.Be honest with your doctor and tell him/her about your AAS use.They cannot legally divulge this information to anyone including LE so tell them of everything you are doing so they will know what to look for and better interpret your blood tests.