Hey what's up brothers? Good morning! I have a question and want to get everyone's insight on how they use anadrol! I've tried it once when I was just a kid at 20 years old, I used 1 50 mg pill, once a day. On the third day I stopped taking it because I have never noticed my mood changed extremely quick, I never get aggressive, and at that point, I was just wanting to throw dumbbells at people in the gym if they didn't rack a weight or did some other stupid shit!!! I'm gonna try and give it a go again as I just turned 35! I know it has a half life of 8.5 hrs any thoughts on how everyone else uses it? Should I just take the one 50 mg pill once a day? Or should I break it up? Keep in mind, this time around it's a capsule, not a solid pill? Any input would be greatly appreciated!!! Thanx brothers!!!!!

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