I think gearing may have fucked my blood pressure, Im looking to hear any other peoples stories or experiences. Resolutions, ideas and inputs as I'm pretty concerned. I don't have any family members with blood pressure issues so its not hereditary. Also if any young guys have experience with training, gearing and knowledge of good/bad side effects of blood pressure meds they've been put on I'd be interested to hear.

So over the last year I've had a few different doctors at my clinic take my blood pressure when I go to pickup new script for viagra. standard protocol. None have mentioned a thing to me until my last visit last week. She checked my blood pressure. it was about 150/90 and resting heart rate around 85. She looked at all my other blood pressure readings the other doctors had written and they were all very similar. This doctor was very concerned as I'm only 25 years old, exercising a shitload (weights 5-6 times a week and intense cardio 3 times a week). currently I'm only on about 750mg test, so no orals or tren as usual which could potentially jack it up higher. I've since been checking it on my own for the last few days a couple times a day and getting almost exact same reading each time. whether or not I've had a coffee makes minimal difference. Ive been blasting and cruising for a few years now, before i started gearing i was about 80kg now I'm around 100-102. 6'1, quite lean and vascular, under 10% BF if i was to guess.
Im just shitting myself because I'm set to see the doctor in the next few days and she said if nothings changed next visit we're gonna have to do some further tests and scans and get me on blood pressure meds for the time being. She did an ECG scan on me and said it doesn't look how its supposed to, but not to worry as she wants to do another one next visit to be sure. She wouldn't tell me what or explain the scan and just said give it one more chance next week..