Lean mass gain.

Pre Cycle Stats:
Age: 27
Height: 5’7
Weight: 190lb
BF%: 15%? Abs slightly faded

Calories: 4600-4700
Fish Oil: 2g
Niacin: 1.8g
CoQ10: 200mg
Curcumin: 200mg
Alpha Lipoic Acid 400mg

4.5 years training experience with a focus on powerlifting. Last years meet PR’s were 420 High Bar Squat/265 Pause Bench/455 Deadlift (stiff bar) @181.

Second Cycle Options: 500mg Test E or 500mg Test E/300mg Deca
The goal of my first cycle was lean mass gain and I gained a net of 8lb (182-190lb) on 4300 calories day with 400mg Test E for 14 weeks pinned 2x/week.

Originally, I had planned on going from 400mg to 600, 800, 1g seeing how I react to just test before trying other compounds, however, from several sources it seems around 500mg is the sweet spot for most. So, I was thinking of adding in 300mg Deca (have caber on hand) and seeing how this cycle goes instead of doing 500 and then next time adding the Deca. I'm all for slow and steady gains but 100mg difference doesn't seem all that big for progress. Input would be appreciated!