Hi guys,

Back in July 2017, I attempted to do my 1st cycle, but unfortunately I had to stop 2 weeks later because of an infection I got on my thigh because of the gear I was using (Testoprim-D) . Stay the heck away from that gear.
So I will still consider this to be my 1st cycle since my first attempt only lasted 2 weeks and it was with garbage gear. This time, it'll basically be the same thing but with a different gear:


-30 years old male;
-6f tall;
-Starting weight is 200 lbs;
-Probably around 12-13% body fat. (all my abs are visible).

CYCLE (12 weeks)

-Starting date: 2017-10-06 ;

-HGH (Pfizer Genotropin): 2.7 IU per day for the whole cycle and beyond;

-D-Bol (Dianabolos 10 from Pharmacom): 30mg per day for 6 weeks;

-Testosterone Enanthate: 250mg x 2 / week for 12 weeks;

-Arimidex: As needed.

PCT (to be started 2 weeks after my last test shot)

-Week 15: Nolvadex 40mg ed;

-Week 16: Nolvadex 40mg ed;

-Week 17: Nolvadex 20mg ed.

My goals is to add as much lean mass as possible, while keeping good mobility and cardio. I am aiming for about 220 lbs, which would be a 20 lbs weight increase. I know it won’t be 20 lbs of muscle but if I could get about 10-15 pounds of solid muscle, I would be very happy. I will make sure to be in constant caloric surplus. You gotta eat big to get big!

Any input is more than welcome!