Hi all,

A quick survey type post here.

I'm an experienced lifter, about 7 years, finished my first cycle about 7 weeks ago now, PCT went well also: 500mg test e x 10 weeks and loved it.
PB's on cycle, 140 x 10 squat, 180 x 8 dead, 100 x 12 bench. I have and always will keep my reps high.

About me: 179 cm, 93 kg my heaviest on cycle, dropped back down to 90 kg now it's been a while since I jumped off. Made good muscle gains but also gained a little fat. Recent bf% test has shown me as 16% as opposed to 12% pre cycle.

Currently in a mini-cut of sorts about 300 cal below maintenance. I understand that this isn't best in regards to retaining strength/gains but I'm more just trying to tidy up my physique before my next cycle which I'm planning on starting in the new year.

I plan on jumping back on at 500mg test a week again, split M+TH, arimidex .5 3 x per week.

Wondering what you all feel would be the best choice as far as using an oral for gaining mass/size ANADROL/DBOL/SUPERDROL. I understand this largely comes down to personal preference and experience as far as sides are concerned. Part of me is hesitant to even use an oral due to the appetite suppressing issues I've read about on here and looking at another TEST only cycle. But you know how it goes, curiosity is real!

Any responses are welcomed and appreciated.

Peace brothers