I had blood work done and my estrogen came back at: Oestradiol 102 pmol/L (40-162), so smack bang in the middle of the range. I was running adex at .25mg EOD and was expecting my E to be higher as a small lump has formed behind my right nipple. I have upped my dose to .5mg EOD and the lump has got slightly larger. I don't have any nolva as I am on an SSRI and from what I have read nolva doesn't work when you take SSRI, and I thought I would be able to control my E with adex (which the bloodwork says I have, but I am still getting gyno). I have plenty of clomid and adex. I'm not sure what I should do, should I order some nolva and try it? Should I up my adex to .5mg ED? I don't want to crash my E though. I have about 4 weeks left of my planned cycle.

Yes I know I dun goofed by not having nolva... lesson learned I guess...
Oh and all I am running is 250mg test e twice a week.
Cheers for your help bros, I appreciate it.