Basic info, this will be my second cycle, i did a test +var run a few years back. I was going to do the second cycle but was sick for a bit, and mom had some health issues and travel made it impossible, so it fell through the cracks. Im finally going to start it like 9 month later than originally planned. However, now I cant remember what I was going to run as a cycle and for how long. I know before i started my cycle i had asked around for opinions on cycle length for a second run and had decided...something. but i cant remember this far back. Might be a silly questions but i guess im overly cautious and hoping some more experienced users can give me some advice on dose/cycle length specifically for a second time user.

on hand
72 x nolva 25mg
35 x clomid 50mg
43 x arimidex 1mg
50 x anavar 12mg
98 x anavar 25mg
40ml x test e 250
30ml x tren e 200

Sorry for a real beginner question, but i remember even when i was planning the cycle i bounced back and forth on dosing and length for like a good week or so before i finally asked for advice and decided.