History: TRT for a couple years. Did one serious blast, where I increased my test-c to 400mg/wk, and added tren-e 400 mg/wk for 10 weeks. Half way through I started stair-stepping deca in as well (100mg/200mg/300mg, and then back down to 150mg for the remainder). I had to decrease the deca because it was causing some dysfunction. I gained strength and size, and was happy overall with my results. I had blood work done, and my test came back high, so my Dr. Reduced my TRT to just 100mg/wk. After dealing with him and his monthly check ups, I'm ready to blast again. I preemptively "geared" up (pun intended) and have some things on hand. I would really love if someone with some real know-how would tell me the best way to use what I have.

Right now: I'm about 245+/- lbs and somewhere around 28% bf. I'd like to get to 18-20% or better and still gain a little size, but the main concern is cutting.

What I have:
20ml test-c 200mg
10ml test-c 250mg
20ml tren-e 200mg
20ml EQ 200mg

I'm looking for the best way to utilize this product, in (preferably) a 10wk period. I have bloods to do again, and will need time to clean up and level out prior. Thanks in advance for anyone who takes the time to help with this.

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