So I’m starting my next cycle and I plan on running test prop and npp and finishing it off with winny and mast
Weeks 1-12 test prop 100 mg eod
Weeks 1-12 Npp 100 mg eod (I’d definitely prefer Tren Ace but I’d had awful side affects on that before, really bad anxiety, tren cough really bad, sleepless nights). I do know npp could be a mass builder but I think if the diet is right and cardio and lifting routine is right it will work as a cutter.
Weeks 6-12 50 mgs winny tabs ed
Weeks 6-12 mast enth 100 mgs 2 x a week
I am currently at 6’1” around 245-250 lbs around 22-25% bf I think. I’m absolutely looking to cut down and I’m currently running the ketosis diet. I know a lot of people don’t like it or just aren’t crazy about it but I’ve been on it since 3/1 and I started at 272lbs and I won’t lie a haven’t found too much time until the last week to get in the gym just due to life but now it’s time to get back in there 5 times a week with a good lifting regiment and a good cardio regiment also. Also my calorie intake is at 1920 a day so it’s on the lower side.
I am open to suggestions on anything anybody has to say. Oh and obviously I will be taking a pct after week 12. Once again I’ll take suggestion on that. Not a huge fan on chlomid.

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