Hello all

hope you've all been getting in good work at the gym and good rest at home

ive been TRT for some time now and been blast/cruise for 2-3 years. Bloods haven't really indicated high e2 and no gyno so I haven't really needed AI or SERM, I also run what most consider low dose cycles but it's what works for me.

I was wondering about on cycle dosing for AI and SERM, I read an article that there may be some benefit outside of gyno prevention etc. it said that 10mg nolvadex ED is great to cut water, bloat, fat and promotes hardness. I am planning a higher dosage cycle than usual for the next blast.

Was as hooing to hear everyone's thoughts about this. I know the SERM won't eliminate estrogen, which logic tells me is smart because we need it to build muscle. Most people agree .25 mg amiridex E3D seems to be a good starting point for AI. Would there be any additional benefits to add these to my cycle even if bloods aren't indicating high e2?

thanks for your feedback