Any noticeable difference?

Besides less potential of sides, etc.

I intended to run my first cycle for 12wks @ 500mg. Noticed I got 30ml @ 200mg.. ducking peaking.

I should respond well, despite, but generally speaking - curious to know if there is any difference in those ranges.

My source still suggested to stick to 1ml @ 200mg, even when I asked to get another vial so I can do 1.5ml to make the difference to 250mg. He said they're labelled 200mg but quite over-dosed from that.. ?

I took the advice as he continues to maintain good rep (for many years) with the few that know of him - g2g amongst regulars and local pros. He batches his own gear locally for himself and distributes strictly within his inner circle apparently. Competed recently at Arnold's Classic in Melbourne, obtained IFBB, etc. So it shouldn't be bunk or the worst advice to take. Still feeling I'm missing out a bit.

He also mentioned running the vials out till ~14wks. Not sure what you guys would say about that.