Whats up BOP I'm currently in the works on assembling a game plan on a 4th cycle. Im currently 30 years old 185LB 5'9 15% body fat. My cycle history is 250mg a week Test E 10w, 500mg a week test e 12wk with Dbol kick start, 500mg a week test e with a 4 week Winstrol 25 or 50mg a week finisher ( I can't remember the exact dosage of winstrol I'd have to check my cycle log) My goals are to do a lean bulk I'd like to get to 200lb at 10 to 12% bf. My BMR is around 1800 calories around TDEE is around 2800 - 3000 calories daily. This does not include cardio I do during the week. What do you think is a good macro count for my goals on cycle? How much cardio should I be doing during the week? I'm not a complete newbie to training I've been training for about 8 years. I was prior military so my training hasn't always been body building it's been endurance training, running, some crossfit and weight lifting since I've been out I've been a lot more focused on body building. For this cycle I am going to go at it completely open minded with a fully trainable attitude in my experience I've seen guys not achieve the maximum results because they wouldn't follow anyones advice. I am in no hurry to jump on any advice on training programs, cycle, cycle length, cycle compounds, cycle dosages, diet to best help me achieve my goals ANYTHING that you wish someone would have told you when you first started would be awesome. I do want to try a new compound and want to do the most with the least amount of dosing so I don't completely fry my receptors and build a massive tolerance so early in my cycle history. Thanks