Quote Originally Posted by Cjr579 View Post
Is EQ good or bad for the joints? The reason I’m asking is because I’m on 800mg/wk EQ and 500mg/wk test and feeling like my joints are hurting more than usual. I’m about 14 was into the cycle and going for 20. I even feel like I’m getting TMJ in my jaw...crazy I know. It’s been 10 or so years since I ran EQ so I don’t remember if I experienced joint pain back then. Also taking 25mg a day proviron, .5mg adex eod and nolva 10mg ed. Would 25mg/ day proviron dry me out too much?
what you're experiencing in the jaw could be attributed to the excessive blood flow in the muscle and you're getting jaw pump (Seriously).. a lot of times guys would get this jaw pain, or pre-existing joint agitation when blow flow increases around the localized muscles pulling and added pressure on that areas joint/s and in your case the jaw muscle.. When I add orals such as Dbol,Var I get massive jaw pumps just eating and If I attempted to polish off some beef-jerky that would be an impossible feat..