hey guys, looking for some info about gyno caused by tren i know theres a lot of debate on this topic. I've had gyno on test only cycles in the past. (hard lump behind the nipple, sore, sensitive)

but now I'm on:
test e 625mg/week
tren e 300-350mg/week
anavar 75mg/day
arimidex .25mg/day

this gyno defiantly feels different... no lump, just puffy, swollen nips kinda tender. i upped the arimidex to 1mg/day for 3days then back to .25mg/day after with no results. this arimidex is from the same batch that wiped out my gyno when i was on the test only cycle... i did that same 3days up and then back down and i wiped out a lump the size of 2 pea's... I've seen so many diff debates on prolactin and/or progesterone caused gyno and wonder what you guys think about it. i realize either way estrogen must be under control so i do not intend on ditching the arimidex and plan on going .5mg/day for a week. what are your opinions on cabaser/cabergoline?? I've also seen a few articles talking about the fact that tren can down regulate thyroid production and people have tried t3 at 25mcg/day which is a pretty low dosage what do y'all think on these 2 drugs and opinions on this gyno.

thanks bros