Glad you are better man and that they were able to save your leg. This is twice now that a bodybuilder suffered a bad injection in his leg. First the guy in Columbia and now you. I'm starting to wonder that my new found leg injections may not be worth it! But yes, sterilize sterilize, sterilize! I have been pinning a lot lately for bpc injections and I dropped the pin and it landed pretty evenly on the table, which, for the most part is clean, however, who knows if there's bacteria from my cats on there or what. I grabbed an alcohol pad and swabbed the outside of the pin, just to be sure and waited a sec and injected and everything was fine. Not too worried about a subq injection in that scenario, however, if that pin would have landed on the ground or carpet, I would have replaced the needle. Just too easy to pick up an infection. I think back on that dropped needle and I still can't believe that I did that. Your lesson, will reinforce that into my brain.

I would suggest everyone keep a supply of antibiotics on hand like amoxicillin or another strong one. I usually have them on hand for emergencies or really bad sinus infections.

Now - side note -

Someone on here mentioned that he may or may not have accidentally injected a piece from the rubber stopper in him. What happens if that occurs? I have often wondered about that myself. Does the body attack it and isolate it or would it attack it and go crazy like what happened in these photos? I always use the same pin to pull oil and inject and always look at my oil in the syringe before injecting. Swab the tops of the bottles before and after and the injection site twice.