bacteria are everywhere, even within us.
your immune defenses struggle every day.

if a foreign body enters the body (even the hairs coming off the root are considered foreign bodies) they are attacked and destroyed by the body's immune defenses.
but it happens that, from time to time, they lose the battle.pus, infections. if these take over as happened to me, you have to intervene with antibiotics and other drugs and if not even these can eradicate the bad guys, you have to intervene manually with scalpels and narrow teeth.

incidentally, neither I nor anyone else knows how the infection I had started.
I suspect that it was the winny in water "mixed" with little attention as previously written.
but also the fact of attending a dirty gym with some injuries right on the leg.
my immune defenses were already low in those days because I had fever, toothaches, and other ailments.

in the end, however, I was diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis, usually called bacteria devours meat or flesh-eating disease.

be careful, do not underestimate the symptoms and be ready to fight