Hey there I’m new to the forum and looking for advice from the vets here. I’m currently fighting a kidney bean size lump with 40mg nolva ed. I have Letro and raloxifene on hand also. I’m 8 weeks in my cycle and been doing the above nolva protocol for a week now.

First 4 weeks I ran T cyp 150 EOD, mast 100mg EOD, proviron 50mg ED, aromasin 50mg EOD,

Week 5 - current, added tren A @ 50mg EOD, caber .5mg E3D
My blood work at week 4 E2 @ 26.4 pg/ml, all other values were spot on.
No indication of gyno progression what so ever until I bumped my chest, felt pain, discovered mass. I started nolva right away @ 40mg ED for a week now. Meanwhile I’m researching the heck out of nolva while on 19-nor and proposed issues. I’ve learned enough that basically like anything else in this game, everyone is different and what works for some my not for others and it’s all a learning process as you go. With that said I know there is now black and white answer to reducing gyno while on tren, but wanted to pick some minds who been at it for a long time and has spent time dealing with this same issues. There is so many ways to go about this and I know the variables and consequences of letro and E2, raloxifene and nolva debate.... I’m looking to see how many peeps have had good luck shrinking lumps while on cycle and with what, how long, doses, etc. Or if everything above looks ok, then I will be patient and let nolva have time to work or battle it differently after cycle is over. Thanks in advance!