We offer this powerful injection form of Methenolone acetate - PrimoCrin Rapid 1��mg/ml Methenolone acetate (For domestic delivery) - sciroxxonline.com

The Methenolone acetate is a potent anabolic with low androgenic properties (And is the most potent milligram wise then any other methenolone ester), it's quite effective in terms of lean mass gains, causes very low side effects and combines perfectly with most other anabolics, especially ones with a pronounced androgenic effect, such as testosterone tren etc.

The injection version offers a superior absorption to the oral form, which is especially crucial as the methenolone acetate is not a 17-alpha steroid which means it degrades quickly by the liver unlike products such as Dball , Anadrol etc, hence in an oral form it's considered a weak steroid