brothers, I'm embarking on a 7-8 month cycle.

I have cycled before off and on for about 6 years but have been lifting natty for much longer. I am 33 yrs old about 12% bf 185lb and diet is on point. I count calories and hit my macros. Train 6 days a week lifting and 45 min 3/wk cardio.
my aim is aesthetic not to be a mass monster.

I am currently doing Keto off and on 6 weeks at a time with good success.
After Keto I start a 16 week aas cycle to put on some lean mass.
This cycle is looking at 4 iu eod protocol.
I am about 2 weeks into the gh already and started ed for first month to asses tolerance of Qtropin

weeks 1-30 4 iu gh tapered up from 2 ed and transitioning
weeks 8-24 500mg test e
weeks 8-24 800mg primo e
weeks 8-24 400mg mast e
weeks 8-26 HCG 200 iu eod
aromasin 10mg eod

weeks 26-30 pct nolva/clomid
weeks 26-30 4 iu gh eod

I compared all protocols for gh, 5-2, 6-1, e3d, ed, and I have decided to do eod not soley for cost benefit but because there are studies out there that show your natty gh may take awhile to recover from dosing ed vs eod or e3d. The purpose of my cycle is to shred and add some lean mass, I would be happy to add 10-15 lbs lean mass this cycle.

If anyone has any advice how I can tweak this and make this better, I am shooting for around 7% bf hopefully after this cycle. I also have var on hand if I wanted to add that in as well.