Quote Originally Posted by Beau View Post
BOP - Hopefully this is the correct section, if not please point me in the right direction.

Just about to start my first cycle and am still questioning the amount of calories i will be aiming for while on.

My question is, do you increase your calories when on cycle? i'm assuming upping protein will be a given.

Cheers BOP
I seriously never understood the "upping the protein" philosophy. If you're eating ~1g/lb of bodyweight, you are GOLDEN. Seriously, your body becomes MORE EFFICIENT at partitioning on gear, so "let's eat MORE protein!" I don't get that.

Ppl think they need more protein bulking than cutting, and more on cycle than off. Both of those are backwards.

Calories: are you bulking or cutting? That's what decides how many cals to eat...not the gear. Just realize that everything will be skewed to muscle gain on cycle. Do you want to be leaner or build size? THAT decides your calorie level...and if you can't make that decision, maybe it's not time for you to jump on gear.

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