Firstly I know that steroids are not recommended for teenagers, and 3-4years prior training should be done before hoping on gear. I am not using steriods mainly for anabolic effects, rather androgenic to maximize my puberty: Frame, height, voice deepening, dick ect. I am willing to wait for 2more years (have been training for 3) for anabolic effects, however this is my last chance to gain some masculinzation from steroids.

as most steroids are androgenic and anabolic, which are those with best androgenic score, which would benifit teenagers the most? Proviron interested me specifically due to its affinity to bind with the aromatase enzyme, inhibiting estrogen and keeping growth plates open, and it basically being pure DHT

What would you recommend to do? proviron 50mg ED and mk677 25mg ED was recommended? My health is also really important but so is my development.

Thanks guys, and best of luck in everything