I wrapped up a first cycle, very simple Test C @ 500/wk x 12 wks.
Last six weeks I added Var starting at 20mg day up to 40 mg/day.
Honestly, I did not see any noticeable attributes from the VAR addition. The Test only put on some size and strength. I am currently 5'9" 199 with 33 waist. Not sure my BF%. Its not low, I know that but I'm not fat either. I did have just about everyone I know or work with comment on my gains from this cycle even though it was a baby cycle.

Now I am thinking of adding Deca and Test at Deca 300mg/ Test Cyp 400mg x12 weeks.
Not going to add Var again.

Forgot to mention I have Arimidex on hand and was taking .5 mg eod.

I am trying to keep the cycles very militaristic, so that I know what is working and how much is needed to get results. I am always open for advice, you are the best at this game.
