Quote Originally Posted by Vision View Post
Yes, I did mention that these vivid dreams that people are experiencing are most likely always there, in fact our brains have always been manufacturing extreme and bizarre dreams that we do not remember..
Some drugs, medications, hormones and other supplementation may in fact make dreams feel very real, and this includes remembering detail upon waking up.

All of this derives from the explanation that I gave above in regards to flashing lights, that example was broken down into layman's terms as if there was two strobe lights flashing simultaneously at one another.. they appear to be in sequence, in sync with one another. That is the equivalency of the neural transmission and firing with cells from different parts of the brain relaying information to one another, everytime the strobe light is in sync with each other that information begins to be processed, and the Brain tries to decipher if it is in fact and authentic memory, a thought or even an experienced, the brain tries to decide what to keep and what not to keep.. the rabbit hole gets very deep but this is where vivid dreams come from, now, when people do not have the ability to remember that is when the strobe lights are no longer flashing in the same sequence with each other, however if they are still flashing at one another eventually at one point they will flash at the same time, that is when a piece of information is kept and stored (thus remembering)..

AAS can act as neuo-steroids which will improve the the channels and signaling between neurotransmitters in the brain, creating more chitter chat and activity. This is where the amplification of dreams may be more pronounced. And this is also a reason in which we experience a sense of well-being.

Science knows more about the distant cosmos than we do about hormones and even sleep for that matter especially when it pertains to dreaming.. the rabbit hole gets very, very deep.
All good info
Thanks for posting
Vivid dreams can add to anxiety. I remember switching medications having vivid dreams and waking up in a panic many times.
I prefer sexy dreams