I have been on dr prescribed trt for 18 months. Dialed in at 120 mg per week divided into 3 shots. Also take hcg. I feel descent on trt dose. Last week I bumped it up to 200 mg test per week for a trial beginner cycle. Major changes on how I feel. Sex drive is insane. However I have this weird tiredness and I want to sleep all the time. It’s like a brain fog. Kinda dizzy. Tired. Anyone experience this? Levels on trt dose is about 1100 total test and 45 estradiol. I do have anostrozole if needed. I don’t take it on trt and I don’t think this is estradiol related. Any advice would be appreciated. I was hoping to do a real basic 12 week cycle of 500 mg test per week but not sure if I can. thank you.