So, got some Winstrol raws and tried to for the first time.
Took 40mg at 4PM, at 11PM, 7 hours later... unreal pumps.
Only issue was a headache for like 30 minutes.
I never get headaches.
My blood pressure is fine.
So will lower to 30mg, see what happens.

I'm pretty in tune with body. I eat like a dog, literally same sources of protein carbs ect, for the past 3 years.
Water intake monitored. Makes things simple, and yes sometimes I splurge, guilty.

So any changes I will feel.

I am sensitive to orals somehow.
Mk677, just 7mg ED, I can feel the effects, water retention, joint lubrication type feeling, with some bloating the next day. I can run 7mg, and it literally works badass.
Anadrol, 50mg is overkill. Literally so pumped unbearable. So I would run it at 30mg.

All I know is this Winstrol also made me Feel Good, like also mentally. I felt charged is how I could describe it.
Just a good sense of well being and energy.

Just walking up the stairs, pumps, and just a feeling of being pumped, like day 3 of Anadrol....

So is it just because first dose ever?
Seems like one could use it on workout days if taken 7 hours prior, from what I felt. Doing more research. Have to look at more studies.

I plan on just doing it 4 weeks for a trial run.
I am on a cruise, so I will just add 2 weeks to my cruise, because blood work will be my determination anyway as far as blast.

Been researching winstrol. I don't see issues with me since I run Deca, and if I add MK677, most likely won't get joint issues.
I am going to use it 4 weeks beginning of blast, then last 4 weeks. So first for strength, and also finish strong, with slight diet change to bring out some detail.

I got mine from PPL, it GTG as usual. I've never had any issues with their raw quality.