Ok So I'm pretty new to this forum and not sure if this is the place to post this
I have been in the mix for a couple years now, anyways I'm just looking for constructive criticism and opinions on where to go from here...

Cycle Experience 3 Years (have been researching, learning, watching etc.. for over 10 years now knowing plenty of vets that have been cycling for years and picked their brains and experience) so I'm not completely in the dark but its never bad to get more idea's and help.. Anyways

33 Years Old
4th Cycle Currently
19% BF

Anything and Everything With regards to as much protein in every snack and meal I can
Approx 3500-4000 Calories

250-300g Protein

All this throughout the day with my biggest surplus and meals between 7 and 11pm
My diet has been somewhat shitty and jumps around with my lifestyle I haven't been able to do
my favorite 5-6 snacks and meals a day so I'm usually at 2 meals a day and
2-3 snacks consisting of 500-700calories 120g protein

My 4th Cycle Started on 10-27-2016
Test Ace 100mg EOD
Tren Ace 125mg EOD
Mast-P 125mg EOD
Exemestane 12.5 EOD
GW-501516/Cardarine 20mg ED

All this until 12-14 Last dose Tren 125
12-16 Swapped to NPP200 EOD
added Test Prop 100 EOD

So I was doing

Test Prop 100
Masteron P 125
NPP 200
EOD with
Test Ace 125 Offsetting those days.
so my totals were
800mg Test
800mg NPP
600mg MastP a week
From Week 7 to Week 10
Ended up getting TestPP 125 from my source as a mix up I guess so I swapped to
TestPP125 EOD
Winni 25mg 2x a Day - 50mg ED

I've been running that for 3 weeks now or you can say its Week 13 of my Cycle
I've been planning starting PCT in another week or Week 14
However I've really been feeling good on this Test and Winni Thinking about bumping to 75mg ED on the Winni

My Goal; shooting for leaning out a little more well possibly adding a few more lbs of leanmass, really would like to gain another 5-7lbs but where I'm at now I figure its a little out of reach

One of my current predicaments is that I helped out a friend by giving him my personal a couple weeks ago because I had a pack on the way with all my gear so I put my faith in that and of course the one time I get boned, my pack has been lost or not sent for 2 weeks now and I just did my last shot of Test 5 days ago, as well as my last Dose of winni yesterday, Now Tomorrow For sure I will have more
My question is what would you guys do, Just continue starting tomorrow a couple more weeks to really take in the benefits of my current situation
I've felt a lot more solid, and the pumps ive had the last week or 2 have been phenomenal, I almost feel better then I did on the 3 I was running prior to this
Or do you think the time off without test is gonna ruin the end of my cycle?

Another question is my PCT anything I can do to better restart my Natty Test maybe change doses, add and take away something? I was thinking of running Toremifine instead of Tamox but I know its proven and worked fine in the past sticking to the tried and true..
Triptorelin GnRH 100mcg Shot
Nolva 60/40/20/20/20
Possibly Clomid 80/40/20/10 (ive noticed I get horrible sides from it with the moody aspect so I'm kind of iffy using it but I figure it would help A lot.. I've heard Enclomiphene has less sides any experience or advice from anyone on that??)
Exem 12.5 EOD for 8 weeks
T-booster Supps got a couple in my stash thinking about picking something up with NMDA and 5a-Hydroxy laxogenin and arimistane those 3 were amazing last time I used them all.

I appreciate everyones opinions and if theres something I left out let me know!