I really am interesting in finding this out. I've always understood that certain orals, such as Dianabol will contribute to hair loss, but what about the injectables? Have certain injectable Testosterones (and their blends, etc) been known to cause or increase hair loss? To help my thinning hair, I was on the brand name Propecia 1mg tab for years, one a day, which I do believe helped curtail my hair loss, but when my insurance stopped covering the brand name I had to resort to the generic Finasteride 5mg tab (which is supposed to be the same product), in which I'm suppposed to take 1/4 of an already tiny pill per day. I've been on the generic Finasteride for several months and it seems the hair loss is increasing. Could it be because the dose is so small? I haven't been on any orals for over a year, just Test E and Sustenon, along with Deca, Tren, Prop (not all of these on the same cycles lol) but am curious if these injectables are contributing to the increased hair loss, or if these "tiny" doses of Finasteride aren't doing the trick.