Quote Originally Posted by Riggs View Post
Yahhh I'd say so....Anabolic/Androgenic Ratio: >10,000/>10,000
Sick! It is 100x the A:A ratio of methyl testosterone which is crazy strong and harsh. I actually had 360 prescribed of Testred.and I could feel like effects quickly 10mg 3x daily. I went on a school trip and when I got home, my mom was cleaning and threw them out!! She just read the first part before the testosterone part of the prescription bottle and thought it was something else; I wanted to strangle her. Anyway; they were hard on me and I went back to Cypionate. I wonder if someone ever put a tiny bit of it in a formula. Shit would melt your liver or shut you down. Make you go nuts too! Like Tren 10,000!! Lol
