Going to switch it up and run some Masteron, stacked with Test Cyp. I have to take a break from Tren. Just over the mental sides from it. It has been my go to for many years now. Ive seen more people on the boards say its more of a cosmetic bump and have to have low BF etc. pretty making it sound like its weak. From the people ive talked to in person, I hear nothing but great reviews on it. My opinion on the whole low BF thing is pretty much everything works better if you a leaner lol.
If it gives an aggressive mental boost in gym, keeps your libido going and shutting you down, works like a mild Anti-E... Shit thats an amazing.

I am going to run Test Cyp 750mg & Masteron 600mg weekly.

Anyone ran Masteron with just Test? Whats your feedback on it?